We created our own den flag this year. I found banners from Oriental Trading Company 56/9015. They come in several colors. We selected white and added a blue trim and Wolf Den 6" Patch. Our footprints represent and reinforce the Leave No Trace theme: Leave nothing but footprints. As we complete each monthly theme we will add the monthly theme patch along the bottom of the flag.
We added blue and gold feathers and our boys and parents have already started adding more embellishments to our flag and flag pole to make it their own! Our flag pole also carries our den doodle, so there are lots of strings and beads hanging off our flag! This was a super fun project and the kids love our flag.
On the back of our flag, we have a second flag with the Cub Scout Patch and foot prints of our Sprouts. We incorporate our Sprouts in all of our activities and they are thrilled to be included with thier own flag.