Invisible Ink Secret Messages
I found an alternate invisible ink source. You can use baking soda and water as your "ink". 1 part baking soda to 2 parts water. The baking soda and water don't mix well, so you will need to stir with each dip in your "ink". To make your message appear, use concentrated grape juice. The grape juice reacts with the baking soda to create a chemical reaction and turns the secret message a different color. This works great and you don't have to worry about your cubs accidentally burning the house down.
You can use Q tips to apply both the secret message and the grape juice.
Note: Don't let the boys get carried away with the grape juice. The wetter it gets, the more the message smears. But if they do a quick swipe with the juice, the message appears with no problems.
Boy's Life Say Yes to Reading Contest and Patch

Boy's Life is having it's annual Reading Contest. Details are below. This is a great way to incorporate the October theme of "Adventures in Books". You can also use this activity to work in the electives on Computers and also the Computer Belt Loop!
Wolf Elective 21B Write a Report
Computer Belt Loop:
- Explain these parts of a computer :CPU, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, modem and printer. Satisfies Wolf Elective 21C Tell what a mouse is and discribe how a CD ROM is used.
- Demonstrate how to start up and shut down a computer properly.
- Use your computer to print a report.
Say Yes to Reading Contest:
- Write a one page report no more than 500 words on the best book you read this year
- Fiction or non fiction
- Select your age group: ages 8 and under, ages 9-10, 11 years or older
Everyone who enters gets a free patch! First place winners in each catagory get a $100 gift certificate for the Boy Scouts official retail catalog, 2nd place winners get a $75 gift certificate and 3rd place winners get a $50 gift certificate.
Include your name, age and grade in school on your report.
Mail your report along with a business sized SASE to:
Boys Life Reading Contest
P.O. Box 152079
Irvine, TX 75015-2079
Den Flags

We added blue and gold feathers and our boys and parents have already started adding more embellishments to our flag and flag pole to make it their own! Our flag pole also carries our den doodle, so there are lots of strings and beads hanging off our flag! This was a super fun project and the kids love our flag.
On the back of our flag, we have a second flag with the Cub Scout Patch and foot prints of our Sprouts. We incorporate our Sprouts in all of our activities and they are thrilled to be included with thier own flag.
Buddy Racers

- Wolf Elective 7C make a pair of Buddy Racers
- Wolf Requirement 5C Screws and Screwdrivers
- Wolf Requirement 5D Hammer and Nails