The BSA Family Activity this week is from the Developing Personal Strengths section. You will need to do 2 activities from the Developing Personal Strengths section. You may choose one of the following activities if you want from the Learning Duty to God section.
From the BSA Family Workbook: The purpose of Learing Duty to God is to help children learn more about the teachings of thier family's religious faith and belief.
1. Go on a family hike and acknowledge the beautiful things in nature that God has created. Pick up and litter that you may find, and talk about taking care of our world. (Leave No Trace, Wolf Requirement 7D Pick up litter)
2. As a family, attend a religious service in a church or other setting where people gather to worship. (Wolf Requirement 11C practice or demonstate your relgious beliefs)
3. Learn how to say a grace, prayer, relgious thought or inspirational message. (Wolf Elective 11E Sing a song that would be sung as a grace before meals.)
From the BSA Family Workbook: The purpose of Learing Duty to God is to help children learn more about the teachings of thier family's religious faith and belief.
1. Go on a family hike and acknowledge the beautiful things in nature that God has created. Pick up and litter that you may find, and talk about taking care of our world. (Leave No Trace, Wolf Requirement 7D Pick up litter)
2. As a family, attend a religious service in a church or other setting where people gather to worship. (Wolf Requirement 11C practice or demonstate your relgious beliefs)
3. Learn how to say a grace, prayer, relgious thought or inspirational message. (Wolf Elective 11E Sing a song that would be sung as a grace before meals.)