Now if you are not familiar with the Fossil Kits, they are compressed sand with an item in the miidle and the tools are used to scrape away the material to reveal the artifact. These are a little different than the ones I have seen. They are dinosaur eggs with bones inside. You excavate the bones and then assemble them into the dinosaur. I think there are 6 - 8 pieces per dinosaur.
Sweet! You will need to have each boy supply a 9x12 inch shallow (like a cake) pan so that they have a controlled "excavation" area. Other wise it gets messy quick.
The other goor deal I found was the scratchable dinosaur stickers. Each pack came with 10 stickers and 1 scratching tool. You'll need more wooden tools for multiple boys. I can't wait for April!
The other goor deal I found was the scratchable dinosaur stickers. Each pack came with 10 stickers and 1 scratching tool. You'll need more wooden tools for multiple boys. I can't wait for April!