Here's a fun little contest for your little hiker. You can win an Osprey Back Pack via a writing contest.
The rules and regulations below are taken from the Osprey website.http://www.ospreypacks.com/OspreyLifestyle/KidsEssayContest/Osprey Packs Sprint Series Kid's Reading and Writing ContestOsprey is proud to offer our legendary custom fit in packs specifically designed for kids, the Sprint Series. We consider the opportunity to offer great packs to kids much more than a sale; it is an opportunity to foster stewardship of and passion for the wild places left on our planet. With our children's help we can truly save our natural environment for generations to come.
In that spirit, Osprey is seeking great writing that highlights kid's very best adventures with a pack and demonstrates an understanding of the Principles of Leave No Trace - a key component in preserving our wild places. We are a proud partner of Leave No Trace and you'll find their seven principles screened inside all our packs - including the Sprint Series.
First, visit the Leave No Trace website and read-up on the seven principles of Leave no Trace.
http://www.lnt.org/programs/principles.phpWRITING GUIDELINES
You must be 6 -16 years of age to enter. NO GROWN-UPS! In 250-500 words, tell us about a place you have hiked or backpacked that was especially memorable for you. Why is it special to you? Did you have a special encounter with an animal? Mother Nature? Was the area threatened? Was it well taken care of? Last but NOT least, pick one of the Leave No Trace principles and tell us how you applied it to your adventure. You are also welcome (but not required) to include a photo of yourself.
Essays will be judged by a panel of wild animals with guidance by your friends at Osprey. All winners will be featured on our website and may be published in future Osprey catalogs.
Your choice of any one Osprey backpack from the following series:
Argon & Xenon Series - Backpacking, Men's and Women's Deluxe Custom Fit
Aether & Ariel Series - Backpacking, Men's and Women's Lightweight Custom Fit
Sprint Series - Backpacking, Kid's Deluxe Custom fit
Atmos & Aura Series - Backpacking, Men's and Women's Fit, Ventilated
Kestrel Series - Backpacking and Day Hiking, torso adjustable fit
Stratos Series - Backpacking and Day Hiking, Ventilated
That means you can outfit yourself with a brand new Sprint or if you already have one, get your parents out on the trail with a great fitting Osprey of their own. We'll also throw in a Sprint Series pack towel. Send your entry to sprintcontest@ospreypacks.com with the subject "Reading and Writing".
You'll be notified within 30 days if you are a winner. The contest is open until we get every kid out there hiking and leaving no trace!